Szekerce-Fehérvári Vadkanok Rögbi mérkőzés
A hétvégén a bajnokság első mérkőzésén a tavalyi alapszakaszgyőztes, a Szekerce (a Kecskemét második csapatának szentesiekkel és ceglédiekkel kiegészült projektegyüttese) fogadta vendégül a Vadkanokat hibátlan körülmények között. Az összecsapásra vasárnap 13 órakor került sor a szentesi Pusztai László sporttelepen. A mérkőzés nehezen indult a vendégcsapatnak: egy rossz kezdőrúgásból az ellenfélhez került a labda, és az 10 percig náluk is maradt. A derekas védekezés végül felőrölte a hazai csapatot, és Törőcsik Sándor, a szentesi veterán célra váltott egy bedobás utáni akciót. A jutalom rúgás kimaradt (5-0). Nem sokkal később orrsérülés miatt le kellett cserélni Erős Regőt, aki aznap játszotta első felnőtt mérkőzését, így a harmadik sor Kiss Bálinttal egészült ki, aki szintén debütáló játékos volt. Hamar érkezett azonban válasz hazaiak céljára, Őrsi Dávid szerzett célt egy gyorsan megjátszott büntetőből. A jutalom rúgás ezúttal is kimaradt (5-5). A következő célt ismét a hazai csapat szerezte, méghozzá egy a célvonalon túlra tolt tolongásból. Pogrányi István jutalomrúgás ezúttal sikeres volt (12-5). Félidő előtt még sikerült Kerék Ádámnak és Őrsi Dávidnak döntetlenre szépíteni egy a védelmi vonal fölött átrúgott labdából szerzett céllal, és az érte járó jutalomrúgással (12-12).
A 2. félidőben Láng Gábort a Budapesti Kosoktól Székesfehérvárra igazoló Varju László váltotta. Ekkor kezdett el szakadni az eső, ami az egész második félidőt végig kísérte. Először egy 50 méteres büntetőből szereztek a fehérváriak újabb 3 pontot, majd a Szekerce egy célt és az ahhoz tartozó jutalomrúgást (19-15). A szinte végtelennek tűnő adok-kapok után a Vadkanok csapatkapitánya, Őrsi Dávid újabb 3 ponttal jutalmazta meg csapatát egy büntetőelőnyből szerzett 35 méteres droprúgással (19-18). Pár perccel később az utolsó pontjaikat a hazaiak egy 30 méteres büntetőből szerezték (22-18). Az utolsó húsz percben a Vadkanok szervezett védekezésükkel folyamatosan hibára kényszerítették a hazaiakat, de úgy tűnt, hogy nem fog sikerülni a fordítás, amikor a mérkőzés vége előtt pár perccel a Szekerce egy rosszul helyezett felszabadító rúgása egyenesen Kerék Ádám kezébe hullott, amit ő önmagához hűen egy 60 méteres céllal büntetett meg. Őrsi a jutalomrúgást is értékesítette, amivel a végeredményt is sikerült beállítani (22-25), ugyanis a mérkőzés utolsó percében a hazaiak még egyszer esélyhez jutottak, de pontot már nem tudtak szerezni.
A Fehérvár Rugby Club férfi csapata így győzelemmel kezdhette az őszi szezonját. A következő mérkőzés szeptember 24-én 14 órától kerül megrendezésre Székesfehérváron a Budapest Exiles II. csapat ellen.
Szekerce – Fehérvári Vadkanok 22-25
Fehérvári Vadkanok: Gulyik, Bárdfalvi, Kendi, Bereczki, Láng, Szkok, Nánási, Erős, Szabó, Őrsi (csapatkapitány), Czimmermann, Csörgei, Antal, Szlávik, Kerék; cserék: Kiss, Varju
Pontszerzők: Őrsi 15 (1 cél, 2 jutalomrúgás, 1 büntetőrúgás, 1 mezőnydrop), Kerék 10
Képen a Fehérvár tolongás utáni passz.
fotó: Molnár Renáta.
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The Ceiva frame uses an embedded working system called PSOS. Afterward, it is best to notice fewer system slow-downs, and feel a little less like a hardware novice. The system may allocate an entire processor simply to rendering hello-def graphics. This may be the future of television. Still, having a 3-D Tv means you’ll be ready for the exciting new features that is likely to be out there in the near future. There are so many great streaming shows on sites like Hulu and Netflix that not having cable is not an enormous deal anymore as long as you might have a stable Internet connection. Next up, we’ll take a look at an excellent gadget for the beer lover. Here’s an awesome gadget present concept for the man who actually, really loves beer. If you’re on the lookout for even more details about great gadget gifts for men and other related matters, simply observe the links on the subsequent web page. When you choose to learn on, the taste of anticipation could immediately go stale, the page would possibly darken earlier than your eyes and you may presumably discover your attention wandering to different HowStuffWorks matters.
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Letha Arida
2023-06-04 at 00:08
Solid state drives are pricier than other laborious drive options, however they’re also quicker. There are lots of avenues that thieves use to assemble your data, they usually provide you with new methods all the time. Shred all documents which have sensitive info, equivalent to account numbers or your social safety quantity. Each core independently processes info, and it also reads and executes instructions. Just like the A500, the Iconia Tab A100 is built round an nVidia Tegra 250 dual core cell processor with 1 GB of DDR2 SDRAM. Both function the pill-particular Android Honeycomboperating system with an nVidia Tegra 250 twin core cellular processor and 1 GB of DDR2 SDRAM. In Western Europe, greater than eighty percent of all credit cards feature chip and PIN technology, and 99.9 p.c of card readers are equipped to learn them. Labeling can assist. Try putting an index card on the surface of each vacation box. You’ll be able to discover a hair dryer like this one in virtually any drug or discount store. You’ll see this referred to in the handbook accompanying the hair dryer as excessive or low velocity, as a result of changing the airflow includes modulating the velocity at which the motor is turning.
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Raymundo Harley
2023-06-04 at 03:01
Note that the Aivo View is one more dash cam that can’t appear to extrapolate a time zone from GPS coordinates, though it obtained the date correct. That stated, other sprint cams have dealt with the identical state of affairs higher. Otherwise, the Aivo View is a wonderful 1600p entrance sprint cam with built-in GPS, as well as above-average day and evening captures and Alexa support. There’s no arguing the quality of the X1000’s front video captures-they’re nearly as good as anything we’ve seen at 1440p. It’s additionally versatile with each GPS and radar choices and the contact display makes it exceptionally nice and easy to use. With a bit of knowledge of the Dart language, you may easily customise this template and make a high quality product to your shopper. But we remind you that to work with Flutter templates, you need some information in the sector of programming. A clean code and a detailed description will allow you to understand the structure of this template, even for those who don’t have any information in the field of coding. What’s to maintain the ex from displaying up and causing a scene or even doubtlessly getting upset or violent? Overall, these two benchmark results bode well for players wanting a laptop that’s a minimize above in terms of graphics efficiency, with the high frame charges equating to a smoother gaming experience and more element in every scene rendered.
Margery Queale
2023-06-06 at 16:04
Car sharing decreases air pollution and vitality dependency. It’s the Dyson Air Multiplier, one of the funkiest window followers ever to hit planet Earth. Because the ’60s, viewer campaigns to avoid wasting Tv reveals have helped purchase applications extra time on the air. Because they no longer should relay schedule changes through one other human being, everyone can spend more time focusing on different job duties. This adjustments the course of the “equal and opposite reaction.” If the nozzle directs the water to the right facet of the craft, the rear of the craft pushes to the left. In line with Newton’s third legislation, for each motion, there is an equal and opposite reaction. This strikes the craft due to the principle described in Isaac Newton’s third law of motion. How Rocket Engines Work explains this precept intimately. Find out about private watercraft engines and the way engines are made quieter. Just like a lawn mower or a automotive, private watercraft run on two-stroke or four-stroke engines. Personal watercraft make a really distinctive, high-pitched sound, which some people feel disturbs residents, wildlife and different boaters. Also, you need to take a look at thoroughly proper after installation to catch issues early, and verify to make sure the amount of RAM you installed now reveals up if you examine your system properties.
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2023-06-07 at 08:50
The district, which takes in a heavily Black stretch of North Carolina’s rural north in addition to some Raleigh
exurbs, would have voted 51-48 for Joe Biden, compared to Biden’s 54-forty five
margin in Butterfield’s current district, the 1st.
However the trendlines right here have been very unfavorable for Democrats, and Butterfield might
very properly lose in a tough midterm setting. Note that the map has been fully renumbered, so we’ve put
together our greatest assessment of where every present incumbent might search re-election at this link, whereas statistics for past elections can be found on Dave’s Redistricting App.
So, if you’re a homeowner, you would possibly rent out
a single room or two to strangers, even while the house is still occupied.
● Former Gov. Ruth Ann Minner, who in 2000 became the
primary lady elected to serve as governor of Delaware, has died on the age
of 86. Minner was a legislative staffer when she
first won a seat within the state House in 1974 as a neighborhood model of that year’s “Watergate infants”-reform-minded Democrats elected
in the wake of Richard Nixon’s resignation. GOP lawmakers sought to pack as many Democrats as potential into simply three extremely-Democratic districts based mostly in Charlotte (the ninth) and the area known because the Research Triangle (the fifth in Raleigh and the 6th in Durham/Chapel Hill).
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Software could be discovered online, however may also come together with your newly bought hard drive.
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2023-06-07 at 08:56
The one actual downside is the high value. The true magic of the
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In our Rise of the Tomb Raider benchmark, our Asus ROG Zephyrus S17 with Nvidia
RTX 3080 GPU set to 140W topped the sphere, edging out the
Asus ROG Zephyrus X13 with Ryzen 8 5980HS CPU and RTX 3080 GPU set at 150W.
It also proved superior to the Adata XPG 15KC with GeForce
RTX 3070 set at 145W – the mixture of the S17’s i9-11900H processor and RTX
3080 GPU making gentle work of the workload in the RoTTR preset.
Cinebench’s single-threaded benchmark scores present solely minimal distinction amongst laptops (representative
of mainstream purposes), however, the S17’s multi-threaded
score ranked the S17 the second highest amongst our comparability laptops, proving its suitability for top-end gaming and CPU demanding duties like 3D video editing.
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2023-06-07 at 08:59
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2023-06-07 at 09:05
The black $350 Deluxe console ships with a duplicate of the game “Nintendoland” in the field and presents 32
GB of inner storage. Nintendo TVii missed its scheduled launch alongside the console in November, but was launched in Japan on Dec.
Eight 2012. Nintendo TVii works very very similar to Google Tv: It’s designed to drag in programming information data from television suppliers like cable corporations and allow you
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and so on.) by means of one interface. Could it’s one among the highest mid-range graphics playing cards to
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2023-06-07 at 09:07
That laptop computer-ish trait means you may should look a bit harder for Internet access when you’re out
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This screen also provides haptic suggestions within the form
of vibrations, which give you tactile confirmation that the pill
is receiving your finger presses. Because human flesh (and thus, a finger) is a conductor, the screen can exactly determine the place you’re pressing and perceive the commands
you are inputting. That easy USB port also may let you
attach, say, an external onerous drive, meaning you
possibly can shortly entry or again up nearly
any type of content material, from photos to text, utilizing the included File Manager
app. And for sure types of video games, similar to driving simulators, you possibly can flip the pill again and
forth like a steering wheel to information movements within the game.
Like its back cover, the Thrive’s battery can also be replaceable.
Not solely is this useful if you may be removed from a energy supply for
lengthy durations, nevertheless it additionally allows
you to substitute a new battery for one that goes bad
with out having to seek the advice of the producer.
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2023-06-07 at 09:08
To make a CD clock, you may want a CD, a wide range of art supplies (no need to
purchase something new, you can use whatever you will have round your own home) and a clock movement or clockwork, which you should buy on-line or at a crafts store.
Whether that means pushing faux “cures” like
Mercola and Elizabeth, their very own “secret” insights like the Bollingers and Jenkins, or “alternative health” like Ji and
Brogan, these individuals have one thing to sell. Mercola is removed from alone in promoting deadly lies for a buck.
These people aren’t pushing conspiracy theories based on compounded lies as a result
of they consider them. Erin Elizabeth, who created multiple lies concerning the safety of both the COVID-19 vaccine and flu vaccine while promoting hydroxychloroquine-together with anti-Semitic conspiracy theories.
However, the opinion that the $479 MSRP is a bit too excessive is shared throughout multiple reviews.
Fox News cited reports of a stand-down order no fewer than eighty five occasions during prime-time
segments as of June 2013. As the new report-which the
Republican majority of the committee authored-makes very clear in its findings,
nonetheless, no such order ever existed. In a new report released on Tuesday, the House Armed Services Committee concludes that there was no approach for the U.S.
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2023-06-07 at 09:09
The last part shows all the occasions a test has
been run towards your credit score report, both since you applied for a loan or as a result of a service provider or employer
initiated the check. Try all the gastronomical
motion on this premiere of Planet Green’s newest present, Future Food.
So whenever you join to search out out what sitcom star you most establish
with, the makers of that poll now have access to your private info.
And they’ve a easy surface for attaching pictures, gemstones,
fabric or no matter else fits your fancy. Most Websites that comprise
safe personal information require a password also have
not less than one password trace in case you neglect.
Why do people share embarrassing information on-line? That’s why
most on-line scheduling techniques permit businesses to
create time buckets. Also, RISC chips are superscalar — they
will carry out a number of directions at the identical time.
But two or three comparatively cheap displays could make a
world of distinction in your computing expertise. But DVRs have two main flaws
— it’s a must to pay for the privilege of using one, and you are stuck
with no matter capabilities the DVR you buy occurs to come
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2023-06-07 at 09:09
It has not one but two cameras. The G-Slate has two rear-facing 5-megapixel
cameras that can work in tandem to capture 3-D, 720-pixel video.
While I’ve my issues with the X1000’s price and proprietary wiring, it’s not possible to fault its front video.
There’s no arguing the standard of the X1000’s front video captures-they’re as good as something we’ve seen at 1440p.
It’s additionally versatile with each GPS and radar choices and the contact display makes it exceptionally nice and easy
to make use of. However the night video is the real eye-popper.
Rear night time captures aren’t as good as these from the forward digicam either, though they’re nonetheless usable.
The Wii U supports video chatting (helpful when your controller has a constructed-in digital camera
and display!), and Nintendo aims to take Miiverse beyond its own video recreation console.
That cab be remedied by more careful placement of the rear digicam.
The refreshed S17’s design now sees the case raise up 12 mm
behind the keyboard if you open the lid, nonetheless affording extra air to
the 2 Arc Flow followers, while the keyboard itself – now positioned more towards the again – lifts with
it and moves in the direction of you.
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2023-06-07 at 09:16
We also demonstrate that, although social welfare is increased and small advertisers are better off beneath behavioral focusing on, the
dominant advertiser may be worse off and reluctant to switch from traditional advertising.
The new Switch Online Expansion Pack service launches right now, and as a part of this,
Nintendo has released some new (but outdated)
controllers. A few of the Newton’s innovations have change into customary
PDA features, including a pressure-sensitive display with stylus, handwriting recognition capabilities, an infrared port and an growth slot.
Each of them has a label that corresponds to a label
on the proper port. Simple options like manually checking annotations or having
multiple staff label every pattern are costly and waste effort on samples that are right.
Creating a course in something you are keen about, like
vogue design, will be a good option to become profitable.
And there is not any higher way to a man’s heart
than by expertise. Experimental outcomes verify the benefits of express slot
connection modeling, and our model achieves state-of-the-art performance on MultiWOZ 2.0 and MultiWOZ 2.1 datasets.
Empirical results exhibit that SAVN achieves the state-of-the-art joint accuracy of 54.52% on MultiWOZ
2.0 and 54.86% on MultiWOZ 2.1. Besides, we evaluate VN
with incomplete ontology. Experimental outcomes
present that our mannequin significantly outperforms state-of-the-artwork baselines underneath each zero-shot and few-shot settings.
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2023-06-07 at 09:17
Luk, and A. A. Kishk, “Miniature wide-band half U-slot and half E-shaped patch antennas,” IEEE Antennas Propag.
3. Chow, Y. L., Z. N. Chen, K. F. Lee, and K. M. Luk, A design concept on broadband patch antennas with
slot, IEEE Antennas Propag. Huynh, T. and K.
F. Lee, “Single-layer single-patch wideband microstrip antenna,” Electron. 6.
Clenet, M. and L. Shafai, “Multiple resonances and polarisation of U-slot patch antenna,” Electron. Simple solutions like manually checking annotations or having a number of staff label each sample are expensive and waste effort on samples which are correct.
Furthermore, as multiple prospects arrive and interact with the DTSM system simultaneously,
a number of beforehand unstudied points come up. Our focus is using automobile routing heuristics within DTSM to assist retailers manage the availability of time slots in actual time.
SA shares knowledge between slots and utterances and only wants a simple construction to foretell the supporting span. Moreover, we supplement the annotation of supporting span for MultiWOZ 2.1, which is
the shortest span in utterances to help the labeled worth.
The contrastive loss aims to map slot worth contextual representations to the corresponding slot description representations.
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2023-06-07 at 09:23
In terms of recycled-object crafting, compact discs have a lot going
for them. As a consumer, you still have to decide on correctly and spend fastidiously, but the
tip results of Android’s popularity is a brand new range of products and a lot more
selections. Americans made probably the most of it by
watching much more broadcast television; only 25 p.c of recordings were of cable channels.
You may even make these festive CDs for St.
Patrick’s Day or Easter. Cover the again with felt,
drill a gap in the top, loop a string or ribbon by means of
the outlet and there you might have it — an on the spot Mother’s Day present.
Use a dremel to smooth the edges and punch a hole in the highest for string.
Hair dryers use the motor-pushed fan and the heating element to rework
electric energy into convective heat. The airflow generated
by the fan is forced by the heating component by the form of the hair dryer
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2023-06-07 at 09:44
The Wii U uses inside flash reminiscence for storage.
There’s additionally a sync button for wireless controllers, and a small panel under the disc drive pops open to reveal two USB 2.0 ports and an SD
card slot for expandable storage. Wii Remote, a house button for the Wii OS, a
power button, and a Tv button (extra on that later).
A single printed Zagat restaurant guide for one metropolis prices nearly
$sixteen retail and would not have the choice to contribute your individual feedback at the contact of
a button. Another option is the Intuit GoPayment, from the same company that makes QuickBooks accounting software.
The identical news junkies who used to show to 24-hour cable news to get by-the-minute updates have now defected to the Internet for second-by-second news.
The GamePad can essentially perform like a giant Wii
Remote, since it makes use of the identical expertise. While the
sooner processor contained in the Wii U gives it the power to run more complicated games, the
actual changes within the console are all centered on the brand new GamePad controller.
Much like the PlayStation, the CPU within the N64 is a RISC processor.
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2023-06-07 at 09:50
And for good motive: It was slow, it regarded different
than advertised, there were no USB ports and not using a
bulky adapter, the microSD reminiscence card slot wasn’t
spring loaded, so it was almost unattainable to get the card out.
Thus, in Slot Filling stage, we additional label “耐克”(Nike) as Brand Property (B-Brand/I-Brand), and “黑色”(black) as
Color Property (B-Color/I-Color). Without an APX radio, some first
responders should carry more than one radio, or depend on information from dispatchers earlier than proceeding with important response actions.
The Craig Web site would not present any info on retail places the
place they are available for buy (or beneficial retail prices, as we talked
about beforehand). The Maylong Web site is maddeningly obscure at best, and simply plain inaccurate
at worst. Web site to allow you to see your train info — you may have to attach the detachable USB thumb drive to a pc to sync the
data it collects. For extra information on chopping-edge merchandise, award
a while to the hyperlinks on the subsequent page.
That means that when catastrophe strikes, first responders from a large variety of
companies can talk and coordinate in real time.
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2023-06-07 at 10:03
Network and other streaming video providers make it simpler
for viewers by issuing Apps for their gadgets.
Raj Gokal, Co-Founding father of Solana, took
the stage with Alexis Ohanian and at one level acknowledged at the Breakpoint convention that his network plans to onboard over a billion folks in the subsequent few years.
Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Friendster, Urban Chat and
Black Planet are just some of greater than one hundred Web pages connecting folks world wide who’re wanting
to share their ideas and feelings. Buttons,
textual content, media parts, and backgrounds are all
rendered inside the graphics engine in Flutter itself.
They can well full their preliminary sign-ups utilizing their social media
credentials. The Disinformation Dozen may dominate false claims circulating on social media, however they’re far from alone.
The wall is there for all to see, while messages are between the sender and the receiver, similar to
an e-mail. Erin Elizabeth, who created a number of lies concerning the safety of both the COVID-19
vaccine and flu vaccine while promoting hydroxychloroquine-together with anti-Semitic
conspiracy theories. That features forgers just like the Chicago-area pharmacist who has
also sold greater than a hundred CDC vaccination cards over eBay.
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The football group is one of the largest in the world. The London Marathon can also
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and it was one in all the primary tablets to do so.
Instead, they might first register an account on the
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